Adult Intact Penis Care

By Adam Kelling © 2015

"But what if he doesn't take care of it when he's older...?!" asked a shocked relative on my wife's side of the family upon learning that our son would remain intact (not be circumcised). Little did she know that I am also fully able to enjoy all that I came into this world with, and, like countless men the globe over, I have never had these mythical troubles that so many Americans fear. As I light-heartedly assured her that day, intact care among men really is as simple as this:

Adult Intact Penis Care

1) Remove clothes.
2) Step into a warm shower.
3) Rinse your body as you otherwise would.
4) With a quick lift of one hand and light massage of the other, take 10 seconds to move around and rinse your (intact) penis, under warm running water. Do you retract fully? Great. Retract, rinse, replace. Do you have partial coverage, or not retract entirely? No problem. Rinse whatever is moveable. Water only. No soap (as that causes drying and irritation).
5) When you've finished washing your hair, cleansing your arm pits (use soap there), or whatever else you do in the shower, step out. Dry off. Job finished.

That is it.

Trust me, this is a task that virtually any man on the planet can handle -- and will likely succeed in just fine even if no one ever tells him what to do! Your son will as well, I promise.

Trust that your son will be just fine. He will know how to bathe.
Every mammal on earth is born with foreskin - and no problems staying clean.

The hardest part of cleaning my foreskin is staying in tune!
via Intact Connecticut

Foreskin is natural, normal, and fun -- and cleans with a little rinse, in infancy through adulthood.

Trust that when your son becomes a man, he will know how to shower. Intact care is as simple as water running over the body.

United States hygiene myths that shame women, and those that shame men.

"I had to circumcise my pig because he couldn't keep his foreskin clean" said no farmer ever!
via Intact Quad Cities

Silent Survivors Stand

⭐️⭐️ PLEASE HELP ⭐️⭐️ 

We have the opportunity to purchase 3 (used) circumstraints for use with the Silent Survivors Stand. New circumstraints retail at a hefty $560, and we do not wish to support the manufacture of these devices to grow the powerful SSS. However, a clinic is ceasing their practice of circumcision, and selling their 3 for $175 each. Please help us raise these funds so that 3 additional survivors of genital cutting can take part in the deeply moving Silent Survivors Stand at Genital Integrity Awareness Week this year (and beyond), and get them out of circulation -- using them instead for GOOD!

To Give: or by mail to:

Saving Our Sons
PO Box 1302
Virginia Beach, VA 23451

We will update in the comments below and on Facebook with our progress toward needed funds to make this purchase, and publicly thank donors at the GIAW Sponsors page (first name only for privacy, or group/business link).

THANK YOU for helping us get these, and to educate and raise awareness year round!!

Note: If you have a business or group you'd like cited as a sponsor of #GIAW this year, please include this information in your PayPal notes or email

2019 GIAW Sponsors:

#MenSpeak #SSS #SOSSSS #SilentSurvivorsStand #i2

⭐️ THANK YOU to Robert J. (pictured below) for his gift of funding one full (used) circumstraint for these awareness raising efforts! We have been honored to work with you, Robert, over the past decade at educational efforts in D.C. and value your contribution to the cause!

⭐️ THANK YOU to Kirk C. for his generous gift of funding one full (used) circumstraint for the Silent Survivors Stand! Kirk has been an instrumental part of getting GIAW off the ground this year, assisting with 20% of GIAW needs overall as well. The lives we will impact and the numbers we will reach this year will be incredible! 

THANK YOU also to the following individuals for helping to cover the 3rd (used) circumstraint: 

⭐️ Christina H. 

⭐️ Michelle P. 

⭐️ Adrienne C. 

⭐️ Charles W.

⭐️ Noelle L., of Intact Tennessee / Intact Tennessee group for those in-state

⭐️ Gini M., of Intact Nebraska / Intact Nebraska group for those in-state

⭐️ Amber C., of Intact Houston / Intact Texas group for those in-state

⭐️ Gingi Freeman Photography in Visalia, CA: 

⭐️ Graham R. 

⭐️ Eli S. 

Robert J. who funded the addition of one circumstraint toward the Silent Survivors Stand

Silent Survivors Stand at GIAW 2019:

There will be an SSS for those survivors who wish to participate at the U.S. Capitol 30 minutes before we pack up each evening of GIAW; and 30 minutes after arriving to the White House on Saturday of the GIAW March.

We currently have 10 circumstraints for use in the SSS, and are striving to raise funds for 3 additional. If you have a circumstraint you'd like to donate toward the SSS, or sell to GIAW for a reasonable amount, please message the GIAW FB page or email

The SSS is a very powerful performance art piece that greatly moves those looking on. There are no spoken words or movements. Survivors of genital cutting each hold a circumstraint above their head, and/or in front of their chest, dressed casually in their everyday attire, for a moment of silence in deep honor and authentic recognition. Reflecting on this display, one gentleman, Michael, observed, "Silence, used in the right context, is DEAFENING. This can have a profound effect when used properly, and this is certainly one of those instances."

During the SSS, materials are shared quietly and gently with those looking on so that they know what they are observing, and have a place to go for further information. Onlookers tend to gravitate toward this piece, with open eyes and inquisitive minds. Respectful outreach and compassionate connection is possible, and lives are changed for the better.

The Silent Survivors Stand began in 2011 when our beloved friend and fellow advocate, Van Lewis, left this earth, and his wife, Mary Alda, donated his educational circumstraint to Danelle Day of Saving Our Sons.

The first year, three survivors each separately took a stand with our single circumstraint - John B., Jonathon Conte, and David Wilson - in Washington D.C. in honor of Van, and all others impacted by genital cutting.

We have made attempts to add at least one used circumstraint to the SSS in the years since, so that more survivors may participate collectively during public events. Saving Our Sons is exclusively run by volunteers and donation, and we thank you for being a part of this important effort in any way that fits you.

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