★ Baby Saving Folder Drive! ★

One of the seed-planting, baby-saving activities that Saving Our Sons takes on each week is to provide expecting parents, as well as families of newborn babies in the NICU and Ronald McDonald Houses, packs of information on intact care, the benefits of the foreskin, and the facts regarding circumcision. This is only possible through the donations received with the Sponsor a Son program. Still, the needs and requests far outnumber the gifts received at SOS, and one easy way all advocates can help this month is to pick up a few extra blue folders with tabs when you're out and about shopping for school supplies. Most are on significant sale at this time of the year (50-cents or less at many stores) and we need to stock for the duration of the year when the prices per folder are significantly higher.

Saving Our Sons also directly ships packets ($4 worth and free of cost to patients requesting) to any physician, hospital staff, or clinic that is involved in cases of forced retraction. Folders and funds are needed for this project as well.

Please join us in this folder drive!
Needed are:
BLUE Folders with 3 Prongs

Each will be turned into a powerful pack of information that goes out to an expecting family, a parent who is on the fence about whether or not to keep their own son intact, or a physician/clinic who needs to be reminded of current intact care protocol and encouraged to review relevant research.

Send your folders to:
Saving Our Sons
P.O. Box 1302
VA Beach, VA 23451

Not shopping for school supplies this year? If you would like to donate toward the drive fund itself, you can do so with the link below or via PayPal to SavingSons@gmail.com

Thank you for helping us prepare for the upcoming 2014-2015 educational year! Information is key to increasing the rate of genital autonomy each year, and we're seeing powerful success in these efforts, one baby at a time. ♥

Medical Organization Position Statements on Circumcision

No national medical organization recommends the routine genital cutting of infants without medically justified need for such surgery to take place. Infant circumcision is clearly spoken against in many nations, regardless of babies' sex (female, male, intersex) and is not supported for all babies in any nation, even those that otherwise stem from within a cutting culture.

What follows are current medical position statements from organizations across the globe today. Full statements are readily available via online searches. When we recognize that no national medical organization recommends routine infant circumcision, it becomes clear that such things should not be funded with tax payer dollars (Medicaid and similar programs), covered by health insurance (genital cutting of infants is not performed as a health treatment), or pushed upon unknowing parents by any medical staff who stands to financially gain from performing unnecessary genital surgery upon a non-consenting human being.

The above informational cards and more are free for download and printing,

Related Reading: 

Peer reviewed published research on circumcision and the functions of the foreskin: http://www.drmomma.org/2007/01/circumcision-studies.html

On the ethics of registered nurses assisting in forced infant circumcision: http://www.drmomma.org/2014/04/on-ethics-of-registered-nurses.html

The Medical Benefits of Infant Circumcision: http://www.drmomma.org/2013/05/the-medical-benefits-of-infant.html


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