The Surgeon and The Consultant: A Circumcision Conversation

By John Trainer, M.D.
Read more from Dr. Trainer at or his practice profile.

Imagine a conversation in the doctors' lounge...

Surgeon: Hey, can you do a surgical clearance for me?

Consultant: Tell me about the case.

S: Well the lawyers are all in a tizzy, because he can’t consent. They wanna make sure all the Ts are crossed and all.

C: And he can’t consent because…?

S: Well he can’t talk. Not even sure he knows English. I only admitted him yesterday. It’s okay though, he has a medical surrogate -- two in fact. They're both on board.

C: What’s his medical status like? 

S: Among other things, patients like him have trouble clotting their blood. I didn’t do any labs, but I gave him some vitamin K. Y’know to shore that up. 

C: I see… 

S: And he just had a massive body fluid exposure. And even though the source was really tested and tested, I gave him a vaccine against Hep B. Just for good measure. 

C: Okaaay… 

S: Well he’s been through a lot. Yesterday his lungs were full of fluid… 

C: (surprised) WHAT? 

S: It’s okay. His lungs were replaced by extracorporeal support. For about 40 weeks. He weaned okay after his intra-cardiac shunt was fixed.

C: (concerned) Again, WHAT!?! 

S: (moving on) So, um, the surrogates are in a hurry for me to discharge the patient. Can you get up there kinda quick? 

C: What’s the hurry? Is this some kinda urgent procedure? 

S: Umm, no. It’s mostly elective. Even considered cosmetic. But the CDC just said it can prevent problems in approximately 16 to18 years. 

C: (interrupting now) And you need to do this today because…? 

S: Well if we don’t do it today, the insurance company won’t pay for it. And that would make the surrogates mad. Then they would have to pay for it. 

C: (walking away, shaking his head)

Original post on Facebook

Related Resources: 

Medical Professionals for Genital Autonomy:

Brief comment on the proposed guidelines concerning male circumcision to be issued by the CDC:

The Culture Behind the CDC's New Proposal (Dr. Carmack):

CDC Response Campaign:

CDC 'Got Ethics?' Photo Campaign:

Respond directly to the CDC at:!documentDetail;D=CDC-2014-0012-0001

Responses to the AAP (whose 2012 statement is overwhelmingly similar to the CDC's proposed statement) - bottom of page:


1 comment:

  1. This is brilliant. Looking at everything a baby just survived - the massive amount of stress his body has been under merely due to the complex act of birth itself (and moving from an in-utero world to an external one)... and then to bring up an *elective* surgical procedure (usually done without anesthesia) to amputate an organ in the most horrific of ways, on arguably the most sensitive part of the body. It is amazing any make it out even remotely 'okay' from such an ordeal. And it's no wonder we see so many more boys who are cut suffering from infant PTSD, 'failure to thrive,' breastfeeding complications, 'colic,' reflux, withdrawal, fussiness, agitation... the list goes on and on.


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