Genital Autonomy Symbol Pumpkin Contest!

feel free to grab and use if you need a good #i2 profile picture this season

It's a Pumpkin Carving Contest!! 

The goal? To incorporate the message of genital autonomy into this season's pumpkins to raise awareness on the important issue of genital integrity for all babies and children.

For some ideas, you may want to check out last year's GA pumpkins here
The first pumpkins that we know of carved with NOCIRC's genital autonomy child symbol were by Danelle Frisbie and Guggie Daly.
Grab Danelle's template for carving the NOCIRC symbol here if you like. 
Or get really creative and see what you and the kids come up with!

We will be posting all photos of GA Pumpkins submitted to us on this page and public voting will take place at through Nov 1st. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners will receive a fabulous stash of intact gear and items to put to use, empower parents, and save more babies in their area in the upcoming months ahead!

To submit your GA Pumpkin, send photo(s) to or upload to the peaceful parenting or Saving Our Sons Facebook page walls. If your photo includes a picture of your child, we are happy to add a watermark per your request. Pumpkins will be displayed anonymously until voting is complete.

To learn more about NOCIRC's genital autonomy child symbol please see this page


If you are one of our 1st, 2nd or 3rd place winners, drop a note to with your address and your entry number. We'll get your intact stash sent!

If you're one of the other contestants who submitted a pumpkin this year, drop us a note with your entry number and your favorite choice of info card (or an assortment of your favorites) from the SOS collection. You'll receive one set to distribute in your area: For those who are requesting info cards already, we will include an additional set.

Thank you to everyone who participated and made this a fun, awareness raising season!

2011 ENTRIES: 

ENTRY 1 ((3rd Place))






(The above entrant combined the Breastfeeding and Genital Autonomy Symbols on one pumpkin: "Human Milk For All; Circumcision For None." You can view the breastfeeding pumpkin carving contest here. Pumpkins may only win in 1 category.) 

ENTRY 8 ((2nd Place))




(The above entrant combined the Breastfeeding and Genital Autonomy Symbols on one pumpkin: "Human Milk For All; Circumcision For None." You can view the breastfeeding pumpkin carving contest here. Pumpkins may only win in 1 category. )

(The above entrant combined the Breastfeeding and Genital Autonomy Symbols on one pumpkin: "Human Milk For All; Circumcision For None." You can view the breastfeeding pumpkin carving contest here. Pumpkins may only win in 1 category. ) 

(The above entrant combined the Breastfeeding and Genital Autonomy Symbols on one pumpkin: "Human Milk For All; Circumcision For None." You can view the breastfeeding pumpkin carving contest here. Pumpkins may only win in 1 category. )



ENTRY 16 ((1st Place))
(The above entrant combined the Breastfeeding and Genital Autonomy Symbols on one pumpkin: "Human Milk For All; Circumcision For None." You can view the breastfeeding pumpkin carving contest here. Pumpkins may only win in 1 category. )


For a little related fun...

Christina found a great new use for the ubiquitously myth-filled and torrentially-sponsored ParentsAmerican Baby and Parenting magazines:

UPDATE: These sketches and pumpkins were carved in 2009. At the time there was no other existing symbol to represent our core beliefs of genital autonomy and advocacy in this area. Pumpkins were carved for fun, among families, and shared with the community. As of 2013, the NOCIRC Child Symbol is a trademarked symbol. Per their request, please refrain from using the symbol in the future, for any reason, including family pumpkin carving at home, as it is reserved for their exclusive use. 

copyright free symbol, created by Megan Oregon in 2011, and signed into the public domain for use by any and all advocates of genital autonomy is available to use for future pumpkin carving family fun. 

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