In order to make a fully informed decision, having easy access to valid, research-based information is key. Working hand in hand with clinicians who volunteer with Saving Our Sons, we deliver accurate prepuce ('foreskin'), intact care, and circumcision information to any expecting parent or clients of intact conscious practitioners. There are 10 options below for getting material to your expecting friends and family members.
* Also at Etsy *
The Full Info Pack
The full SOS info pack includes:
- 80 pages of articles and research. This material broaches a wide range of sub-categories within intact literature, and responds to all major myths regarding the prepuce, intact care, and circumcision today.
- Complimentary videos on DVD full of helpful, research-based information on the prepuce, its care, and the circumcision decision parents in the U.S. and Canada are allowed to make today.
- A proper intact care card and sticker for use at a physician's office, daycare, nursery or with a babysitter. We are happy to send along additional intact care cards or stickers at your request. These are 2-sided, full color, glossy, and made with heavy card stock so they can be reused (or laminated and kept handy with your baby's diaper bag).
- A National Medical Organizations Statements on Circumcision chart that highlights positions on infant circumcision from a variety of respected groups around the world including those in the U.S., Canada, U.K., Australia, Finland, India and others.
- An Intact Celebrities oversized postcard that serves to highlight many of the well known men in U.S. culture who are happily intact for a lifetime (abolishing some of the myths about intact men being socially undesirable).
- A Keeping Future Sons Intact card especially for parents who may already have a son who was circumcised. This does not mean future sons cannot remain intact. Many families are raising both circumcised and intact sons, and we hope to support parents in this change of heart.
- A "Did You Know?" card full of quick facts about the prepuce, intact care, and circumcision in the U.S. and Canada.
- An "Expecting a Boy?" postcard that contains quick go-to resources on the front; circumcision and intact care points on the back.
- A "Trust His Body" postcard that serves as an encouragement to parents of the perfection with which their son arrives. The back has the functions of the foreskin and intact care information.
- An "Intact vs. Circumcised Outcome Statistics" postcard that highlights the difference between an intact and circumcised newborn baby; shows a photo of what a circumcised infant looks like both from Plastibell and Gomco clamp, and lists statistics and risk factors both for keeping babies intact, and circumcising.
- An "Intact vs. Circumcised Adult" postcard that specifies the way the glans must change from being an internal to external organ when circumcision is carried out. This card is also includes restoration information for men who may want to look further into this option.
- A "Lost/Found" card that has quick-facts on the functions of the foreskin on one side (things that are lost to circumcision) and the things found with restoration on the back. This card is especially for fathers who may feel their son should 'match' them.
- A "Restoration" card that has go-to resources for men who may have been circumcised at birth, as well as the large variety of restoration devices available to men today.
- A "Breastfeeding/Circumcision" info card that points out the many ways that circumcision can hamper a successful breastfeeding relationship.
- A "Congratulations!" card with a wide variety of discussion groups on various topics parents may be interested in (everything from pregnancy, birth, breastfeeding, babywearing, cloth diapering, gentle discipline, raising girls or boys, etc.).
- An "Elephant in the Hospital" sticker. Dr. McAllister's entire Georgetown University lecture is included on the DVD with this pack; the sticker is added as an extra encouragement to spark interest and move parents to check things out.
- [Optional] Added faith-based information that is relevant to families who are Jewish, Christian, Muslim, Mormon, or Catholic. Please include a note when ordering or email for faith-based items to be added.
- [Optional] An "HIV/AIDS and Circumcision" card stressing facts that relate to the 2006 HIV trials in Africa, and the myths that have surfaced from those trials in U.S. media.
- [Optional] "Did You Know" and Intact Care cards in Spanish
- Calmoseptine samples: This ointment is the top recommended for use on developing skin. It does not interfere with a baby's natural pH or healthy (protective) microflora, and is perfect for use on babies during diaper days, when irritation or redness is common. It is the most recommended cream by pediatricians volunteering their time with Saving Our Sons, and is the cream we use when leading intact care classes. Calmoseptine can be purchased at most pharmacies around the world, or on Amazon.
- Contact information for Saving Our Sons and The INTACT Network volunteers, and follow-up with families who may have additional questions, or wish to talk with an intact friendly physician, educator, or other parents in their local area.
No profit is made on the info pack. $12.50 goes toward printing, materials publication, and supplies; $6.85 toward Priority shipping (U.S.), $9 (Canada), $12 to other international locations by weight. If you donate more than $19 toward the full info pack, the remainder will go to help other families.
Be certain that your name and mailing address are correct when requesting via PayPal, or email separately with mailing information.
By Mail:
Saving Our Sons
P.O. Box 1302
Virginia Beach, VA 23451
*include email so we can send shipping notice
On Etsy Here
Info Pack Replacement Sets
(for those lending the info pack to clients)
Especially for Educators & Birth Practitioners
Info Pack Replacement Sets
NOTE: Info packs have been updated. New items will be included in the replacement sets.
View each closely on the info cards page.
*International postage more by weight
To U.S. Addresses:
4 Sets = $8 (approximately 60-70 card/postcards total)
6 Sets = $11 (approximately 90-110 cards/postcards total)
10 Sets = $20 (approximately 150-170 cards/postcards total)
20 Sets = $40 (approximately 200-240 cards/postcards total)
Credit card by email:
Check by Mail:
Saving Our Sons
PO Box 1302
Virginia Beach, VA 23451
Expecting? Pack
The Expecting? combo packet of informational items is significantly smaller than the full circumcision info pack (no DVDs or full articles), but is perfect for sending to any and all expecting friends/family. Materials are professionally made and serve to plant seeds of information on each of the following topics: circumcision, intact care, breastfeeding, babywearing and healthy baby sleep (i.e. no 'cry it out'). These items are mailed directly from Peaceful Parenting and include a thorough amount of material on circumcision and intact care, while at the same time covering other parenting topics that will impact a baby's life. 'Keeping future sons intact' themed info is included to ensure those who may already have circumcised boys find they have community and can be empowered to make a different decision the next time around. The Expecting? pack can be mailed anonymously - simply include an individual's name and address for shipping, or email with this information. Indicate if you would like additional Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Mormon or Catholic items added to the pack.
$5 (materials/postage)
Via email for credit card to
By Mail:
Saving Our Sons
PO Box 1302
Don't Retract Info Packs
Quick Request
($4 to cover materials/postage)
Include your physician's name/mailing address
Breastfeeding Mom's Pack
The Breastfeeding Mom's Info Pack was created to send to an expecting mother who plans to nurse her baby, in situations where you'd like to give her something to meet her needs, plant seeds of intact info, and encourage her in the gentle care of her baby on the way.
These packs include:
- 1 'peace love momma milk' bracelet (small or standard size)
- 5 lanolin samples
- $5 in Lansinoh coupons
- 1 Calmoseptine sample
- 1 'wean me gently' poem and natural weaning facts postcard
- 2 'thank you for breastfeeding' cards
- 1 Latch-On card
- 1 'new parent?' card that specifically has links for those expecting boys
- 1 feeding-on-cue (no 'cry it out') card
- 1 breastfeeding/circumcision informational card
- 1 breastfeeding mini journal, 'how big is a baby's stomach' chart, and helpful tips booklet
- 1 Expecting a Boy? postcard with quick go-to links on the front and intact/circumcision care on the back
The bracelets are dearly loved by nursing moms everywhere and come in regular adult size, or small size for those with smaller wrists. The lanolin samples and coupons are heartily used and appreciated by new nursing moms. The poem is a favorite (read here) and the informational cards have been useful in leading mothers to more information for many years - saving countless babies along the way. You can view all cards in detail here. Materials/postage: $8
(for narrow/small wrists)