My name is Nora and this is my son, Hayden. He's six months old today and has such a big personality already! He's a sweet boy, and has a gentle and caring soul. He loves playing with his kitty and puppy, and he's a big cuddler! Everything is perfect about him and I wish I would've realized it earlier...
My poor baby was mutilated in the hospital at birth when I allowed a doctor to needlessly take a knife to his genitals -- me, his mother, the one who was supposed to protect him.
I don't think I'll ever forgive myself.
When I was pregnant I researched everything: vaccinations, breastfeeding and natural weaning, extended rear-facing, GMOs, attachment parenting, etc., but never circumcision. I actually don't even remember my husband and I 'talking' about whether or not we'd circumcise our son. It was just a simple question for my husband (you know, the one with the penis who doesn't even know what it's like to have foreskin...)
"Are we going circumcise him?" I asked.
And immediately -- with a loud and stern voice he answered, "YES."
That was the end of that conversation for us.
Ever since I started researching and learning, I've come to find out that women have foreskin too - and that the decision of keeping my son intact should have been mine to make, not my husband's. I look at the mistake I made everyday when I change diapers or bathe my son. I think everyday how this will effect him when he's older.
I remember my mom told me once when I was little, "The children always suffer for the ignorant mistakes their parents will make." It never meant anything to me until now... I wish someone would've educated me. I wish someone would've told me to research. I wish I hadn't betrayed my son's trust in me. He was born perfect.
Read more from parents who will be keeping future sons intact: To share your story, email