This Thanksgiving Day, we are especially grateful for each of you working toward a day when all forms of genital cutting will be abolished from this earth. Thank you for all you do, on behalf of the sons, and future men, you save. ❤
Even When You Lose, You are Winning
By Aubrey Taylor © 2011
For everyone who spends their precious energy spreading the word about genital integrity and the harms of genital mutilation: Don't get frustrated! Don't give up! Remember: You do not have to win! The task at hand is not to change the mind of the person who happens to choose to argue with you publicly. Those who disagree and spend their time opposing your message may never change their mind. They were already the ones most likely to respond negatively to you. Rather, you are presenting a gentle, informed perspective for the thousands of others who may never type a single word about the subject in response, but are quietly watching on, reading what you write, listening to what you say. Use the arguments of your opponent as an opportunity to address the various issues on the minds of those reading silently, but not speaking.
If that one particular person never "gets it" and goes through every argument in the book, GREAT! All this means is that you've managed to introduce and work through every point, and this person has helped you do it. Allow this to enable you to detach from the frustration of hearing the other side, or thinking you've "lost" because that one didn't change his/her mind. You're battling an idea over and over, and the way you respond is being observed by others.
Right now, some babies and children will lose. And it may be your unfortunate, heartbreaking, perspective as a freedom fighter to know about their pain, but this does not mean you are losing. As long as we are out there, as long as we are being productive, we are winning. Humanity wants to change - even when it doesn't seem like it in our little circle of the world. We want to be kind, loving and respectful to our children and we all want a society that respects human rights equally. We just need the support, and freedom, to do it. This is a long term goal, so don't worry about the ups and downs. Cruelness and lack of compassion are just symptoms of cruelness and lack of compassion, not innate traits among humans. Let this help you put up your case with a calm and righteous heart, with confidence and compassion, and without insults or belligerence, even when that is what is handed to you.
And THANK YOU for all that you do!
Aubrey Taylor is an American social activist working for human rights and equality.
Also by Taylor: Effective Intactivism
Visit Taylor's YouTube channel here.
For additional informational resources on intact care, the prepuce (foreskin), and circumcision, see Are You Fully Informed?
If that one particular person never "gets it" and goes through every argument in the book, GREAT! All this means is that you've managed to introduce and work through every point, and this person has helped you do it. Allow this to enable you to detach from the frustration of hearing the other side, or thinking you've "lost" because that one didn't change his/her mind. You're battling an idea over and over, and the way you respond is being observed by others.
Right now, some babies and children will lose. And it may be your unfortunate, heartbreaking, perspective as a freedom fighter to know about their pain, but this does not mean you are losing. As long as we are out there, as long as we are being productive, we are winning. Humanity wants to change - even when it doesn't seem like it in our little circle of the world. We want to be kind, loving and respectful to our children and we all want a society that respects human rights equally. We just need the support, and freedom, to do it. This is a long term goal, so don't worry about the ups and downs. Cruelness and lack of compassion are just symptoms of cruelness and lack of compassion, not innate traits among humans. Let this help you put up your case with a calm and righteous heart, with confidence and compassion, and without insults or belligerence, even when that is what is handed to you.
And THANK YOU for all that you do!

Also by Taylor: Effective Intactivism
Visit Taylor's YouTube channel here.
For additional informational resources on intact care, the prepuce (foreskin), and circumcision, see Are You Fully Informed?
Erectile Dysfunction: Is Circumcision Making You Soft?
Originally Published in Men's Health Magazine, November 2011
By Madeline Haller
Could circumcision be affecting your erection? It just might, according to a new study published in the International Journal of Men’s Health.
Researchers surveyed 300 men and found that circumcised fellas had a 4.5 times greater chance of suffering from ED than noncircumcised guys.
One reason: Circumcised penises can experience up to a 75% reduction in sensitivity compared to intact members, according to a study published in the British Journal of Urology International.
A major factor that contributes to that loss of sensitivity is the severing of the perineal nerve—a nerve located on the underside of the penis that is responsible for the majority of sexual sensory input—explains Dan Bollinger, study author and director of the International Coalition for Genital Integrity.
Keep the findings in perspective, though. This was only a survey, so some of the men could be fibbing. And there are numerous other factors that contribute to ED.
“Aging, diabetes, obesity, cigarette smoking, and poor diet—these are all going to affect you and your chances of ED more than being circumcised will,” says Judd Moul, M.D., professor and Chief of the Division of Urologic Surgery at Duke University Medical Center.
Think you might have ED? Then you’re probably right. In fact, nine out of 10 men in a recent study who said they were “unsure” about their ED status actually had some level of ED. And according to a study published in BMC Urology, 70% of ED cases go undiagnosed.
Bring up your concerns at your next doctor’s visit, Dr. Moul recommends. “ED is so much more common than men realize, and it can be very easily fixed by making a few lifestyle changes or getting on a medication.”
Related Reading:
Does Circumcision Cause Erectile Dysfunction?
"Alexithymia and Circumcision Trauma: A Preliminary Investigation" in International Journal of Men's Health, Vol 10:2, 2011.
"Male circumcision and sexual function in men and women: a survey-based, cross-sectional study in Denmark" in International Journal of Epidemiology, May 2011. [Full text pdf]
Erectile Dysfunction: Outcome of men circumcised in Kenya (Bulletin of the World Health Organization)
Erectile Function Evaluation Post Circumcision (China)
Adult Circumcision Outcomes Study (Journal of Urology, 2002) [Full text]
Circumcision to Reduce Men's Sexual Pleasure
How Male Circumcision Impacts Your Love Life
Intact or Circumcised: A Significant Difference in the Adult Penis
The Sexual Effects of Circumcision
Identifying Keratinization (NOHARMM)
The Lost List: Identifying what is lost to circumcision
Erectile Function After Anterior Urethroplasty (Journal of Urology)
"Fine Touch Pressure Thresholds in the Adult Penis" (British Journal of Urology International) [Full Text pdf]
Prevalence and Risk Factors for E.D. (PubMed)
Is Circumcision Why We Need Viagra? (Canada Free Press)
Long-Term Adverse Effects of Circumcision (DOC)
Circumcision Sexual Dysfunction (CIRP)
Functions of the Foreskin: Purposes of the Prepuce
The Prepuce (British Journal of Urology International)
Perineal Nerve Stimulation: Role in penile erection (International Journal of Impotence Research)
Neuroanatomy of the male urethra and perineum (British Journal of Urology International)
Effects of Male Circumcision on Female Arousal
Male Circumcision: A Human Rights Primer
A Change in How Intercourse Works
Improve Marital Sex: Keep the Foreskins
Realization of Circumcision
Removing Pleasure: Male Genital Mutilation
Men Ask: Why Was I Circumcised? (National Organization of Restoring Men)
PostSecret: His Foreskin Turned Me On
Male Circumcision and Women's Sexual Health (Resources)
Partners of Restoring Men (Women's Facebook Group):
Resources on infant circumcision and intact care: Are You Fully Informed?
By Madeline Haller
Could circumcision be affecting your erection? It just might, according to a new study published in the International Journal of Men’s Health.
Researchers surveyed 300 men and found that circumcised fellas had a 4.5 times greater chance of suffering from ED than noncircumcised guys.
One reason: Circumcised penises can experience up to a 75% reduction in sensitivity compared to intact members, according to a study published in the British Journal of Urology International.
A major factor that contributes to that loss of sensitivity is the severing of the perineal nerve—a nerve located on the underside of the penis that is responsible for the majority of sexual sensory input—explains Dan Bollinger, study author and director of the International Coalition for Genital Integrity.
Keep the findings in perspective, though. This was only a survey, so some of the men could be fibbing. And there are numerous other factors that contribute to ED.
“Aging, diabetes, obesity, cigarette smoking, and poor diet—these are all going to affect you and your chances of ED more than being circumcised will,” says Judd Moul, M.D., professor and Chief of the Division of Urologic Surgery at Duke University Medical Center.
Think you might have ED? Then you’re probably right. In fact, nine out of 10 men in a recent study who said they were “unsure” about their ED status actually had some level of ED. And according to a study published in BMC Urology, 70% of ED cases go undiagnosed.
Bring up your concerns at your next doctor’s visit, Dr. Moul recommends. “ED is so much more common than men realize, and it can be very easily fixed by making a few lifestyle changes or getting on a medication.”
Related Reading:
Does Circumcision Cause Erectile Dysfunction?
"Alexithymia and Circumcision Trauma: A Preliminary Investigation" in International Journal of Men's Health, Vol 10:2, 2011.
"Male circumcision and sexual function in men and women: a survey-based, cross-sectional study in Denmark" in International Journal of Epidemiology, May 2011. [Full text pdf]
Erectile Dysfunction: Outcome of men circumcised in Kenya (Bulletin of the World Health Organization)
Erectile Function Evaluation Post Circumcision (China)
Adult Circumcision Outcomes Study (Journal of Urology, 2002) [Full text]
Circumcision to Reduce Men's Sexual Pleasure
How Male Circumcision Impacts Your Love Life
Intact or Circumcised: A Significant Difference in the Adult Penis
The Sexual Effects of Circumcision
Identifying Keratinization (NOHARMM)
The Lost List: Identifying what is lost to circumcision
Erectile Function After Anterior Urethroplasty (Journal of Urology)
"Fine Touch Pressure Thresholds in the Adult Penis" (British Journal of Urology International) [Full Text pdf]
Prevalence and Risk Factors for E.D. (PubMed)
Is Circumcision Why We Need Viagra? (Canada Free Press)
Long-Term Adverse Effects of Circumcision (DOC)
Circumcision Sexual Dysfunction (CIRP)
Functions of the Foreskin: Purposes of the Prepuce
The Prepuce (British Journal of Urology International)
Perineal Nerve Stimulation: Role in penile erection (International Journal of Impotence Research)
Neuroanatomy of the male urethra and perineum (British Journal of Urology International)
Effects of Male Circumcision on Female Arousal
Male Circumcision: A Human Rights Primer
A Change in How Intercourse Works
Improve Marital Sex: Keep the Foreskins
Realization of Circumcision
Removing Pleasure: Male Genital Mutilation
Men Ask: Why Was I Circumcised? (National Organization of Restoring Men)
PostSecret: His Foreskin Turned Me On
Male Circumcision and Women's Sexual Health (Resources)
Partners of Restoring Men (Women's Facebook Group):
Resources on infant circumcision and intact care: Are You Fully Informed?