
My Sweet Boy Danny... Collapsed Lung from Circumcision

This is my sweet boy, Danny.

He was born Jan 21, 2013. We left the hospital on Jan 28th. He was circumcised Jan 31st, and it’s a day none of us will ever forget.

When we left the hospital he was a healthy 9lbs, 15oz perfect baby boy. And then we were talked into circumcision. My sweet boy went in at 10:30am. By 11:45 I was getting really worried. The doctor came out, his clothes stained in my son’s blood - what looked like a lot of it. He said, “There’s been some slight complications.”

As it turns out, the complications were not so ‘slight.’ My son received a ‘numbing’ shot and sweetease. It still hurt. So badly, in fact, that my poor 10 day old baby screamed SO HARD that his lung collapsed.

He also lost 1.8oz of blood. 2.3 ounces of blood loss causes death for a newborn. This is not as rare as they’d like you to believe.

The complications are REAL. The risks are REAL.

Please, research circumcision.

-Nicole L.

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