
UTI Resource Page

The following items pertain to urinary tract infection (UTI), the intact male body, and circumcision.

How the Foreskin Protects Against UTI:

Exclusive Breastfeeding Protects Against UTI:

Urinary Tract Infections Higher Among Circumcised Men in Australia:

Circumcision Increases UTIs Among Boys in Israel:

CIRP info and studies on UTIs:

Circumcision Information Australia: UTIs:

Circumstitions info on UTIs:

AAP on circumcision and UTI:

A Cohort Study on Male Neonatal Circumcision and the Subsequent Risk of Urinary Tract Infection

This Pediatrics article (Journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics) touches upon circumcision and UTI:

Forced retraction resources (retraction of the prepuce by anyone other than a boy himself increases likelihood of problems, including UTI):

Urine Sampling and Catheter Insertion for the Intact Boy:

Using a Catheter Without Retraction: My Nurse Did It and So Can Yours!

Catheterization Without Retraction:

The Urinary Excretory System (how the urinary tract and related system works):

Harper, M. and Fowlis, G. (2007) Management of Urinary Tract Infections in Men. Trends in Urology, Gynecology and Sexual Health, 12, 30-35.

Circumcision for the prevention of urinary tract infection in boys: a systematic review of randomised trials and observational studies:

Recurrent Urinary Tract Infections Management in Women: A ReviewSultan Qaboos Univ Med J. 2013 Aug; 13(3): 359–367.

Incidence rate of first‐time symptomatic urinary tract infection in children under 6 years of age.

metanalysis of studies comparing UTI in intact vs. cut boys and men: no studies consider the hazards of retraction by adults that may often be taking place with intact babies and children

Thread on FOX News Report/UTIs:

Recurring UTIs question at SOS:

Nurse's UTI question at SOS:

Related SOS thread:

Parent's question on circumcision suggested for UTI:

College student's question on UTI resources for professor:

Reflux question from parent:

UTIs in Dogs (analogy) -

UTIs Among Women (meme) -

Note that for a UTI to occur, colonization of a pathogen must first take place. Pathogens that lead to UTIs are most often from fecal matter transmitted to this area of the body during diaper wearing, and/or when a care-giver is attempting to 'clean' a baby's genitals. The best way to prevent colonization from becoming reality in intact male babies and children is to practice proper intact care: that is, leave the foreskin alone. Allow this purposeful organ of the body to do its job: protect the glans and urethral opening and keep pathogens out. Do not retract, mess with, or attempt to 'clean' a baby boy's prepuce (foreskin). Further reading on intact care:


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