
MGM Memorial

In honor of the boys we fought so hard to save, and those that did not escape the brutal realities of forced genital cutting. You will not be forgotten.

To contribute a spiral to the MGM Memorial, send photograph or information (and we will create the spiral on your behalf) to  Please include first and middle name, and month/year of birth. No last names for the sake of respecting identity. Spirals are included here so that one day these young men may look upon their name and know that someone did love them enough to speak up on their behalf. There was at least one person fighting for their basic human right to genital autonomy. We encourage you, advocate, to save copies of the letters and information that you shared with this boy's parents in one file that you are able to give to him someday when he is an adult.

I Tried.

Dear sweet little one
You never asked for much.
Just a warm, protective entrance
And tender, loving touch. 

The world you received
Was blind on that day
When they whisked you away
And forced you to pay -

For all of the lies we've told
For so long
For the myths and tall tales
That've caused so much wrong.

Dear sweet little one
I spoke up for you. 
I begged - please no!
Look at what you do...

I laid down the research
And laid down my life
I'd have given it all
To spare you that knife.

And still no one would listen.
No one would care. 
Hearts hung hallow, 
Minds shut bare.

I wrote and I spoke
And I prayed and I wished
Every single moment
Till your cheeks I kissed. 

I begged, Please love him!
Just as he is
So beautifully made
Each part all HIS.

I held your perfect body
Looked into innocent eyes
Longing to save you...

Now my heart still cries.

But one thing I vow
Though the years have passed - 
Speaking up for you
Will never be my last. 

In YOUR honor
In YOUR name
I'll save many others
From enduring the same. 

So now with gentle, trembling hands
I place your name upon this wall.
I breathe in deep, amidst the pain
Remembering you... oh, so small.

Never were you all alone.
I was always on your side.
Know forever, come what may
Dearly, Desperately

I Tried.

~ Danelle Day

MGM Memorial Wall
In Chronological Order By Birth Date


1 comment:

  1. When my mother told me I was circumcised she did so to enjoy the shock that overcame me. I will never forgive or love her. She took something I'll never get back so I've taken something that she can't get love and trust. No maternal bond whatsoever. We mean nothing. Circumcision...My Personal Testimony
